Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rome - July 5
Rome on our own day aka a day off. I sucked this day. All of the touring was finally hitting me and I slept in until noon. I took a long hot shower and then got dressed. Darrin’s girls wanted me to go swimming and I refused to because I had just spent the whole day getting ready. I stayed with Carolyn in her room and chatted for a while. Nancy and Courtney went swimming as well. Then we all went into Rome and went shopping. The girls and I went to H&M which was not worth all of the effort. The Italians are intense shoppers. I cannot compete. I am not fast enough or something. The store was sooooo small but was on several levels which really didn’t help much. It was crazy and full of people. It was driving me crazy but Kelsea needed help so I stayed. Courtney found the missionaries down the street singing hymns. It was cool, they do it to find investigators. We then walked past a museum designed by Richard Meier and I took lots of pictures on our way to Piazza Navona. This is where all of the fake and some of the real artists sell their work. We ate dinner just off the piazza and then ran into some of the students who wanted to go to the Mouth of Truth. I had said that I would take them earlier so I went with them. Sadly, the gates were locked so they couldn’t put their hands in the mouth but did get some photos.

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